[trx_promo style=”3″ image=”164″ image_width=”33.333%”][trx_section class=”home_first_section”][trx_title type=”2″ css=”letter-spacing: 0.193em;” bottom=”huge”]Hello and welcome[/trx_title][trx_block][trx_title type=”3″ align=”left” bottom=”small”]Fish House Philosophy[/trx_title]

For the best in food, service, value and atmosphere, you can’t choose our restaurant. We guarantee you the freshest seafood, delivered daily to our dock, prepared to your liking.

[trx_title type=”3″ align=”left” bottom=”small”]About Our Location[/trx_title]

All our locations are providing a wonderful open-air venue to enjoy meal all year round, we offer both indoor and alfresco dining and our focus is on serving the absolute freshest fish and seafood.



123, New Lenox,
Chicago, IL 60606

M-F 11am-2am
Sa 10am-3am
Su 10am-2am

[trx_title type=”2″ align=”center” css=”letter-spacing: 0.193em;” bottom=”huge”]What’s new?[/trx_title][trx_blogger style=”classic_3″ descr=”” readmore=”none” cat=”22″ count=”3″ offset=”0″ bottom=”large”]
[trx_section align=”center” top=”null” bottom=”null”][trx_button size=”medium” link=”/our-menu/” top=”medium” bottom=”medium”]Full menu[/trx_button][/trx_section]
[trx_title type=”2″ align=”center” css=”letter-spacing: 0.193em;” bottom=”huge”]Our promise[/trx_title][trx_columns count=”3″ margins=”” bottom=”large”][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”5″ css=”margin-bottom: 1rem;”]Cook Good[/trx_title][trx_title type=”3″ css=”margin-bottom: 1.5rem;”]We cook seafood like
rock stars, truly[/trx_title]

We have the best chef and his team. We can prepare a specific meal by request, cooked to taste with our fresh, local seafood

[/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”5″ css=”margin-bottom: 1rem;”]Cook Quick[/trx_title][trx_title type=”3″ css=”margin-bottom: 1.5rem;”]We guess you don’t like
to wait for too long[/trx_title]

We cook too hot and too fast. We like fire, we cook fast, tasty and healthy! Our professional team never let you wait for your order

[/trx_column_item][trx_column_item][trx_title type=”5″ css=”margin-bottom: 1rem;”]Sommelier[/trx_title][trx_title type=”3″ css=”margin-bottom: 1.5rem;”]We know everything
about wines[/trx_title]

We have a great bar selection and friendly bar tenders. At our pub, we proudly offer our guests to taste our best types of wine

[trx_promo image=”61″ title=”Quality to Die For” subtitle=”Chef in House Explains” description=”Meet our chef! Today, he is a culinary talent, passion for fresh seafood, and dedication to all aspects of running a restaurant serve him well as Executive Chef of Seafood Restaurant, a role he earned after many successful years” link=”/team/don-robins/” link_caption=”Meet the chef”][/trx_promo][trx_promo image=”94″ image_position=”right” text_align=”right” title=”Cozy Atmosphere” subtitle=”Feel Yourself as a Valued Guest” description=”We guarantee you the best seafood, delivered daily to our dock, prepared to your liking, our focus is on serving the absolute freshest fish and seafood. We offer a wonderful open-air venue to relax and enjoy the best view of sunset” link=”/grid/” link_caption=”More interior photos”][/trx_promo]
[trx_block][trx_title type=”2″ align=”center” css=”letter-spacing: 0.193em;” bottom=”huge”]Happy guests say[/trx_title][trx_testimonials controls=”bottom” cat=”0″][/trx_testimonials][/trx_block]
[trx_title type=”2″ align=”center” color=”#ffffff” css=”letter-spacing: 0.193em;” top=”huge” bottom=”huge”]Book a table[/trx_title][trx_section align=”center” top=”null” bottom=”null”]


[trx_googlemap zoom=”8″ height=”350px”][trx_googlemap_marker address=”123, New Lenox, Chicago” point=”193″][/trx_googlemap_marker][/trx_googlemap]